Saturday, November 5, 2011

One of those days...

There are days when,
Nothing seems to go your way
And your actions fail to hold any sway;
When you find the door shut on your face everytime,
When your ideas are ripped apart for having gaping loopholes,
When you are made the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong,
When your luck seems to run out and the flow of inspiration seems to dry up,
When your frustrations cross the limits of tolerance and your cup of woes runneth over...
There are days when,
Nothing seems to go your way
And your actions fail to hold any sway.

Seemingly everyone goes through one of those days;
When the pen fails to put on paper those wonderful thoughts and words fail to flow from the heart,
When the guitar refuses to strum together a soulful rhythm and the drum beats sound hollow,
When the paintbrush does not produce the magical hues and shades and bring the subject to life,
When the usually reliable forehand either finds the tramlines or sails long and wide,
When the attempt at that trademark glorious on drive merely finds the inside edge of the bat,
When that usually incisive defense splitting through ball keeps going astray,
When the punches keep landing wide and fail to pack a punch....
Surely everyone goes through one of those days..

But those days when nothing seems to go your way,
Those days are inevitable, inevitable as night and day;
All you need to do is to take a deep breath and accept that nothing's meant to go your way,
And remind yourself that you will undoubtedly outlast those tough times...
Because tommorow surely will be a new day; tommorow, surely, will be your day!

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