A couple of days back, Boss called me in his usual inimitable style to his cabin with a single word line - "Aaao"! I went to his cabin not knowing what to expect. He asked me about the status on a particular deal. I said I was not fully aware. He frowned and called my senior. She was busy doing something on her computer and was not picking up. And then he cracked one of his comical habitual one liners ' "Look at madam! She is busy in her own world. Mungerilal ke haseen sapney"! I chuckled.
Suddenly boss started talking about some holiday. And I went on my own little holiday. To the Himalayas. Beautiful snow capped peaks all around. Me walking amidst dense oak and conifer forests with a few of my closest friends. And along with a special someone. Aah! What a wonderful feeling. But suddenly there was some disturbance around me. Boss was screaming something. " I want a daily status update on this. Without fail. The guillotine is on our necks!" Welcome to reality, I said to myself.
Still thinking about the holiday, I went to my seat with a smile. I got down to preparing a status update. Just then, there was an email from a friend. A die hard Manchester United fan. Who started taunting that this year too Arsenal wont win anything. :| I again drifted off.. Arsenal is just 6 points behind. Man U still has to play Arsenal and Chelsea. If they loose, then we can still win this. All is not lost. And I imagined Fabregas lifting the Premier League trophy and a proud Wenger smiling benevolently. And Wenger saying that his philosophy of grooming young talent has finally paid off. And me sending a fitting reply to my Man U friend...... I smiled. Ok. Prepare the status update fast! The guillotine is on our necks! A lot of us are prone to day dreaming. Escape into those flights of fantasy. Escape from a routine, monotonous life around you which brings a smile on your lips and gives you something to talk about at the end of the day. I think these flights of fancy are perfectly all right as long as we do not get too serious and not get too stuck up on it. I think its a way for some of us to deal with the situation around you. A sort of a break which can leave u refreshed. But yeah you have to be careful not too get too immersed in it at the cost of immediate pressing issues! Otherwise, the guillotine...!
The phone rang. A friend invited me to his wedding reception. Marriage. So many friends around me are getting married. When will I.. I began to wonder..........