A much needed vacation. A nice time for introspection. Realised a few things. Related to me. Maybe applicable to a few of you as well. That it’s time to like the number 0. It helps in so many ways. Avoids a lot of worries. And makes life simpler.
Zero Expectations. Zero Pre-conceived notions. Zero judgements without adequate knowledge. Zero assumptions based on inadequate knowledge. Zero comparisons. Zero trying to complicate things when they are really really simple. Zero thinking too much about simple incidents.
Feels good to atleast identify some of the problems. But then I start to think why did I write this post? Expecting 100 people to like it? Secretly hoping that people compare me to xyz and comment that it is very nicely written. What if people do not like it? If people do not say anything, then start thinking about all sorts of weird things.....
I think the more things change, the more they remain the same.